Our Story
I'm Renee, the creator of Daisy Cakes and Bakes. I started decorating cakes and cookies nearly twelve years ago as a creative escape from working full time in HR, and the constant rushing that goes with being a mum to two gorgeous girls. I needed something that was just for me, and It became my therapy in a way. Fast forward some, and my hobby became a side hustle and ignited a little spark in me. The joy I get from seeing the smiles on my customers faces when they receive their bakes is why I do what I do . This business has allowed me to leave the corporate world and be there for my two daughters and just like them, it has grown so much and changed a lot. Daisy Cakes and Bakes is now a full time business into which my entire family contributes. We stock our cookies in various locations in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast of QLD, and post Australia wide. We also make custom cakes, business branded and logo cookies, teach cookie decorating classes, and we pop up at various markets too. When we're not doing all the doing, you'll find us at the beach!